Why Being Mindful in the Workplace: A Jonathan’s Story

Jonathan was an employee who hardly care about warning signs in the office, and often he overlooked potential hazards in his office because they looked unimportant.

One day, he got super busy with his assigned tasks that his attention could not discern the loose cable on the floor of his office.

As he walked towards his seat, he tripped over the cable, fell and hit his head of the edge of his table. Jonathan suffered serious head injury that required surgery and months of recovery.

While in the hospital, he regretted not taking the time to notice the loose cable, and from then on, he pledged to always be mindful of his environment in the future. He equally became an exemplary case study for his co-workers.

It is important to know that accidents can happen to anyone, but taking the time to be aware of your surroundings can prevent many of them.

It’s essential to pay attention to warning signs and potential hazards in your work environment to protect yourself and those around you. Remember, safety is everyone’s responsibility, and accidents can be prevented by always being alert and cautious.

Accident prevention! – My number one intention.