Paper Management in the Office

Effective paper management is vital in the office to reduce waste, save resources, and minimise the environmental impact of paper usage. Here are some tips for managing paper in the office:

1. Reduce paper usage: Digitise documents and store them electronically. Send emails rather than paper memos. Use digital tools for notetaking and scheduling instead of paper.

2. Print responsibly: When printing is necessary, print double-sided and use smaller fonts and margins to reduce paper usage. Avoid printing unnecessary documents and use draft mode to save ink.

3. Recycle: Set up a recycling programme in the office and ensure that paper waste is properly sorted and recycled. Place recycling bins in convenient locations and educate employees on the importance of recycling.

4. Implement paperless policies: Encourage employees to go paperless by offering incentives, such as bonuses or extra holiday days, for reducing paper usage. Use electronic forms and signatures for contracts and documents.

By implementing these paper management strategies, offices can reduce paper waste, save resources, and minimise the environmental impact of paper usage.

Workplace Hygiene: A Lesson from Tessy’s Company


Tessy’s company, a large manufacturing firm based in Port Harcourt, was known for its commitment to safety and hygiene. The management ensured that all employees were provided with adequate toiletries such as tissue paper, soap, and hand wash to maintain a clean and healthy working environment.

However, one fateful day, the company unexpectedly ran out of these essential items. The janitorial staff reported the shortage to management, but due to a miscommunication, the supplies were not restocked immediately.

As a result, employees had to resort to using whatever they could find in the restrooms or bring their own supplies from home. This led to a decline in workplace hygiene, as some employees opted to skip washing their hands or using tissue paper altogether.

Unfortunately, the consequence of this negligence soon became apparent. Within a few days, a few employees started falling ill, and it was soon discovered that they had contracted a bacterial infection.

Management quickly realized the error of their ways and restocked the supplies immediately. They also took steps to disinfect the entire workplace and provided medical assistance to the affected employees.

What are the lessons learnt from this story?

Patience at work place

Going through a process or undertaking an unfamiliar task, most times, may seem too difficult and uninteresting. It often requires lots of patience and discipline to go the extra mile or see them to the end. The truth is, the end is usually rewarding if only you can push and persist till then. At Kenyon, we do not back out of difficult situations confronting our clients. We love to see our projects to the end and giving them the best shot. We are Kenyon!