Sep 23, 2022 | Blog, safety
Health professionals describe cleaning your ear canal with a cotton swab, Q-tip, or any other sharp materials like a broomstick, a key and a feather as unhealthy or dangerous because it could cause an injury or infection to the ears.
When we clean the ear canal, we simply want to empty the earwax from our ears to keep it from looking unsightly, but the earwax—which is a cleansing substance—traps dirt and prevents bacteria from getting deeper into your ears to prevent any infection.
Blockages of the ears often happen when we try to clean the ear with ear swabs or pointy objects. The ear swab pushes the earwax deeper into the ears, causing an obstruction. Pointy objects, on the other hand, can cause rupturing of the eardrum.
Ideally, your ears are not meant to be cleaned, but if there is too much buildup of wax, follow these steps to clean the ear.
a. Soften: put a few drops of baby oil or glycerin into your ear to soften the earwax.
b. Irrigate: after a few days of softening the earwax, use a bulb syringe to add warm water to your ear canal
c. Drain: Then gently tilt your head to the side allowing the water to drain from your ears
d. Dry: Use a clean towel to dry the outer part of your ear.
Learn, today, to stop using pointy objects and cotton swabs to clean your ears. Prioritise the safety of all your senses.
Have you experienced any issues with cleaning your ears?
Do share with us to enlighten our readers more.
Apr 28, 2022 | Blog
Having a safety and health culture is paramount to our organisation.
In our industry, we promote conversations around safety and health to curb occupational accidents and disease.
Our safety culture has tremendously helped us in gaining our status as one of the most reliable indigenous companies in Africa with a great global positioning.
Today, we join in celebrating Safety and Health at Work globally through raising awareness on how to work safely and maintaining a clean bill of health.
For us at Kenyon, it is Safety every time and always.
Happy World Safety and Health Day

Apr 28, 2022 | Blog
The CEO of Kenyon International West Africa Company Limited, Mr Victor Ekpenyong, has, at the last Society of petroleum Engineers Young Professional Symposium held on the 23 April, 2022 in Port Harcourt, reaffirmed his resolve to continue partnering the young Professionals in ensuring that they advance and gain insights into their career paths.
He made this statement in his opening remark at the symposium held by section 103, stating that Kenyon international is devoted to empowering Young Professionals, SPE Young Professionals-YP: Port Harcourt Section, through deploying strategies that can add value to them. He equally reminded them how Kenyon International in 2020 supported Young Professional Graduates to empower their respective business ideas.
He encouraged the Young Professionals not to relent in acquiring professional and soft skills, and attend to their tasks ethically with utmost sincerity, adding that the industry gives an open access platform for those who have gained experience and acquired all the aforementioned skills to excel.
Stay tuned to find out what we have in store for Young Professionals.

Apr 5, 2022 | Press Release, Well Integrity
The CEO of Kenyon International West Africa Company Limited, Victor Ekpenyong, at the just concluded Oloibiri Lecture Series and Energy Forum held on the 31st of March 2022, has proposed that deploying an idle well management strategy and remote well control are the two key solutions to combating oil theft which can equally maximise oil production to increase revenue and facilitate Nigeria’s energy transition.
The lecture which took place at PTDF Towers, CBD in Abuja was themed ‘Global Energy Transition: Implications on Future Investments in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry’ and attended by industry dignitaries.
In Victor Ekpenyong’s opening remark, he stated that oil theft has been the bane of our economy as it had led to loss of revenue and environmental pollution; and since oil accounts for the major source of revenue in Nigeria, it behooves the federal government to maximise its oil production through putting measures that deters oil theft and vandalism.
In his speech, he explained that an idle well management strategy will enable a well to be decommissioned safely to protect it from being vandalised and restore an abandoned well to full potential when necessary while remote well control is a technology that can be deployed to protect oilfields facilities and environment from hazards such as blowouts.
Victor Ekpenyong appealed to the federal government to integrate the idle well management strategy and remote well control to help reduce the number of emerging idle wells and boost oil production which can in turn help fund and facilitate a smooth transition into a clean energy.

Jan 12, 2022 | Press Release, Well Control
Devastating oil spills in Bayelsa’s Nembe community from a leaking wellhead that was affecting local residents for more than a month was eventually stopped by a team of engineers from Kenyon International West Africa Company Limited, an international oil and gas servicing company owned by a Nigerian.
The OML 29 Well 1, which is operated by Nigeria’s largest indigenous oil firm, Aiteo Eastern Exploration and Production Company Limited, had been spilling unabated into the Santa Barbara River, impacting marine lives and polluting the environment until Kenyon International West Africa intervened and brought the spill to a halt.
Efforts to contain the flow from the shattered wells were futile at first. The spill was of a special type – a gas blowout, which involved 80 percent gas and 20 percent oil.
The Wellhead owner Aiteo Eastern E&P, the petroleum minister, and Nigeria’s president all promised that specialist workers would stop the spill. And contrary to widespread claims that the spill was brought under control by foreign experts, it was the expertise of Kenyon International West Africa that effectively contained the leak.
“A key feature of our response model is transparency across all stages of response to the incident” said Victor Ekpenyong, founder & CEO at Kenyon International West Africa. “ We ensured that we factored in crucial pointers such as the size and type of spill and the environmental/ economic sensitivities of the resources at risk to avoid lasting damage on the waterways as the affected aquaculture is a major source of livelihood for the people of the community” he added
According to Ekpenyong, because the organisation is highly specialised in well intervention, well remediation and idle well management, solving the Nembe spillage came naturally to them as they had done the same for other companies. “Our client base is comprised of International Oil and Gas Companies (IOCs) and Nigerian Oil and Gas Companies (NOCs).” he explained.
Kenyon International West Africa is now rapidly becoming a recognized force in providing cost-effective well control services, well intervention services, well remediation services and idle well management services. In addition, the company has successfully completed several high-level projects for customers in the African continent.